Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome to the Decimated Pixels Blog

I would like to welcome you all to my new blog page, I will be using this blog to keep you all up to date on the progress of my 3d work and you will also be able to keep an eye on how far along the rfactor mods that i am working on are progressing.

I have 2 projects on the go atm, I am in the process of a full rebuild of the EWOR mod for rfactor, and I am also working on some 3d animation that will become part of my 3d portfolio. The EWOR mod (2011 version) is going to take a fair bit of time as I am rebuilding both the models and physics, which means a lot of time, the main reason I want to rebuild it, is becuse the mod was not 100% when it was released and there are quite a few things that bug me about it, I really want to increase the detail level and optimize the polygons and texture to not only improve the way it looks , but also the 3d frame rate performance as the original mod sometimes casue a few issues for some drivers. The physics are also getting a full rebuild as I know that they can be improved.

At this stage i am unsure if I will release the mod for rfactor or wait for the release of rfactor 2, but as it seems that rfactor 2 is taking for ever to be completed, who knows what will happen :P

I will be posting some screen shots up of the mod progress in the next few days, so make sure you keep checking back

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